His Holiness Karekin II receives sisters of Ghazaravan women priory and schoolchildren from neighboring villages

October 31 2023, 22:25


On October 30, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II received the sisters of the Ghazaravan women priory of Aragatsotn Diocese and schoolchildren from neighboring villages.

His Holiness highly appreciated the spiritual-educational mission carried out by the sisters of the priory. His Holiness emphasized the importance of schoolchildren’s communication with the church, which gives them the best opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Armenian Church and get acquainted with the spiritual life, the word of God and the commandments of the Lord.

His Holiness called on the schoolchildren to study zealously, live according to God’s messages, do good, and love each other and the motherland in order to become worthy children of the church and the nation.

At the end, the Armenian Patriarch also answered the questions of the schoolchildren, which were related to the spiritual life and the mission of the clergy.