If Americans order Pashinyan to let Turks enter Armenia, he will do it – Anatoly Matviychuk

August 14 2024, 21:51


Speaking with Alpha News, Russian military expert Anatoly Matviychuk commented on the speedy withdrawal of Russian Border Guard Service units from the Syunik region.

“This is not the will of either Pashinyan, the General Staff, or the border guards. This is the will of those who influence policy. This is France, this is the United States, and this is NATO as a whole. The main task is to get Russia out of there. Look what is going on now between Georgia and the US. Dirt is being thrown at Georgia. Why? Because it has left the area of influence. Instead of Georgia, they are trying to drag Armenia into the abyss. Well, look, a three-million-strong Armenia is standing, opposing both Turkey and Azerbaijan. I believe that this is a damage to the national dignity of Armenia and the national interest of Armenia,” he said.

The expert expresses hope that the Armenian Prime Minister should still have some pro-national interests that do not resist the wishes of Western countries.

“I believe he has some Armenian pride left somewhere. He cannot give Armenia to Azerbaijan or Turkey, can he? But, at the same time, you see, the Americans will order him to do so, and he will let Turks enter Armenia too if he is ordered to do so,” the expert concluded.