‘In 2018, this man usurped power as a result of a coup d’etat’: Semyon Bagdasarov on Pashinyan

May 14 2024, 10:31

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Director of Russia’s Center for the Study of the Middle East and Central Asia, Semyon Bagdasarov, commented on the protests in Armenia and noted that the Prime Minister will never voluntarily leave office.

“What is happening now is called a rebellion—an uprising against the usurper, against the traitor. Different segments of the population go on strike, hold rallies, block roads. This is almost the majority of the population of Armenia, and this suggests that an uprising has begun against a person who unlawfully came to power.

Let me explain my point once again. In 2018, this man came to power as a result of a coup d’etat, and then, with the support and scheme of the Turkish-British intelligence services, he was legitimized through pseudo-elections. Then, the next election was rigged under the control of the American Embassy. This man is a usurper, he works for other states. He himself will never resign, he will not accept impeachment. Because he doesn’t belong to himself. This man has been recruited.

There are numerous facts indicating that Turkish intelligence is cooperating with him, as well as British MI6. It is not for nothing that immediately after a meeting in February in Munich with the head of MI6, Richard Moore, who is a personal friend of Erdogan, Pashinyan began to actively surrender everything he could. Pashinyan is now fulfilling these tasks.

He is clearly tasked with surrendering everything that can be surrendered. Armenia, as a state, if it remains, will be 5–6 thousand square meters. km around Yerevan, or even better, if it is absorbed, it will become known as Western Azerbaijan. He needs to fulfill precisely this task, supported by Turkey, Britain, and the United States, which are providing assistance. I think that now the entire Armenian population, and not only the Armenians—Yazidis, Greeks, and Assyrians also live there—everyone who lives there understands that they are being surrendered openly, to the detriment of the entire population of the Republic of Armenia, and that is why rebellion began,” Bagdasarov said.