International Association of Genocide Scholars has adopted exceptional resolution — Suren Manukyan 

September 10 2024, 19:25


The resolution adopted by the International Association of Genocide Scholars is exceptional, genocide scholar Suren Manukyan told Alpha News, referring to the resolution condemning Azerbaijan’s actions.

“The International Association of Genocide Scholars is the largest international organization that unites more than 700 scholars. The task of these people is to study the genocides. We can assess the resolution they adopted as exceptional and professional expertise. In many cases, for example, when considering controversial issues, the courts send the case for examination. Now we can say that this resolution is the result of such an examination,” he said.

The expert noted how our country can use the adopted resolution to its advantage.

“We know that Armenia is currently involved in legal proceedings, and lawsuits have been filed against Azerbaijan in international courts. This resolution is designed to strengthen the Armenian position and Armenian claims, because in many cases the most serious obstacle is the evaluation of what happened in international instances. Moreover, the evaluation should be presented not from our point of view but from an international point of view.

The resolution adopted by the International Association of Genocide Scholars can become a trump card for us, with which it can be proved whether this was genocide, a war crime, or a crime against humanity,” Manukyan said.

Suren Manukyan also stressed that few of the 700 specialists of the International Association of Genocide Scholars are Armenians, and it is very important that they adopted such a resolution.

“Out of 700 people, probably at most 60 are Armenians. I think we couldn’t have expected a better result,” he concluded.