Iran raised ‘red flag of revenge’, expert says

January 17 2024, 13:37

Opinion | Politics

Expert on Middle Eastern conflicts Kirill Semenov commented to Alpha News on Iran’s strikes on the US base and airport in Erbil, Iraq.

According to the expert, no damage was caused to the United States itself; strikes targeted certain facilities that, as Iran believes, are used to train terrorists.

“These strikes were launched in response to the terrorist attack in Kerman. Iran has long said that it raised the ‘red flag of revenge’, so it is definitely going to take some steps. So it decided to act in this way. But as I understand it, no damage was caused to the United States itself; strikes targeted certain facilities that, according to Iran, are used to train terrorists or launch attacks on Iran, but how connected these facilities are with the United States is unclear.

At least no Americans died. The claims that the US consulate was hit have not been confirmed, so we see that of all that was destroyed by Iran, the most significant site was the home of a wealthy local Kurdish tycoon. I don’t think this will lead to some kind of escalation or retaliatory actions on the part of the United States, because the United States itself, in fact, was not affected in any way,” Semenov said.