It is important not to burn bridges in the relations between Armenia and Russia. Artur Ataev

July 27 2024, 11:50


Russian political analyst Artur Atayev commented on the news on Alpha News that the Kremlin expressed hope that Armenia would not choose the path of the Kiev regime.

According to the expert, there is a cooling of relations between Russia and Armenia at the military and political levels:

“Among Russian experts, the Kiev regime refers to the period and methods of rule of the current president of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, as part of the election campaign, he made extremely pro-Russian statements, and then departed from the pro-Russian course and actually became a geopolitical opponent of Russia. This, I think, refers to such a phenomenon as the Kiev regime.

It is very important for the presidential administration, of which Peskov is a part, to demonstrate the development of partnership relations with the states that are part of the Soviet Union. But it is obvious that at the military-political level, there is a cooling in relations between Russia and Armenia. And, of course, Peskov, as one of the representatives of the Russian presidential administration, would like to see a more favorable regime of interaction with Armenia,” Atayev said.

According to the political scientist, it is important not to burn bridges in relations between Armenia and Russia, because then these relations will not be able to normalize.

“Judging by the fact that integration processes with the European Union and even with the United States are developing quite strongly now, the Armenian leadership has already formed its strategic line. If earlier, despite the multi-vector course proclaimed in Armenia’s foreign policy doctrine, the Russian presence was about 70%, and the European and American presence was 30%, now everything is changing exactly the opposite.

And in the current conditions, it is important to maintain parity, because today the policy of Pashinyan (Prime Minister of Armenia) is such, but Pashinyan is not eternal. And in order not to burn bridges, it is necessary to maintain relations between Russia and Armenia at a high level, because if the bridges are burned, then no matter who comes after Pashinyan, these relations will no longer be able to normalize, as it was with Ukraine,” Atayev concluded.