It is necessary to understand who commissioned the ‘Armenian History’ textbook – Grigor Balasanyan

August 08 2024, 10:16


The people who commissioned the “Armenian History” textbook are not so much in the Armenian government but in other places, foreign affairs expert Grigor Balasanyan told Alpha News.

“There is a lot of fuss around the ‘Armenian History’ textbook that actually makes sense. What is happening today has two aspects: moral and geopolitical. I believe that the people who commissioned the book are not so much in the Armenian government but in other places. The goal is to create a new history, with which the generations will be told that Russia was an aggressor, and the Armenians lived carefree under the rule of Persia, then wild Russia came and annexed Armenia. This is unacceptable both from a moral point of view and in terms of a gross distortion of historical facts. It also poses a serious threat to us from a geopolitical point of view,” Grigor Balasanyan said.

According to our interlocutor, all this could pose serious geopolitical problems for Armenia.

“It was under the Turkmenchay Treaty that Eastern Armenia and Artsakh came under Russian control. If they say that Russia annexed Eastern Armenia, it means that Artsakh was in the hands of their Persian-Turkish masters, and with this, in fact, we are pouring water on Aliyev’s mill, giving him the opportunity to say once again that Artsakh was theirs, and Russia simply annexed it. Then it settled the Christian Armenians there, who now claim that Artsakh belongs to them.

There is no doubt that this causes great damage to Armenia, the Armenian people, and the Armenian statehood. We should act, and the relevant bodies should also conduct an investigation to understand the motivation of the authors of the book and to find out who the clients were and why they gave such an order to the authors of the book,” Balasanyan concluded.