It is Pashinyan, not Armenia, that separates from Russia: State Duma warns Armenia against repeating Ukraine’s mistakes

March 12 2024, 16:40


Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is doing everything that former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko did and current head of state Volodymyr Zelensky continued to do, Viktor Vodolatsky, First Deputy Chairman of Russia’s State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots, told

This is how he reacted to official Yerevan’s decision to expel Russian border guards. According to the Russian MP, Pashinyan is following a well-trodden path, which is determined by the West.

“This proves that it is Pashinyan, not Armenia, that separates from Russia. Basically, he has never been with Russia; the prime minister came to power on a wave of disagreements within civil society. Today, Pashinyan is doing everything that Poroshenko once did and Zelensky continued to do. He is following a well-trodden path, which is determined for him by the Anglo-Saxons, who have decided to make Armenia another anti-Russian front,” Vodolatsky said.

Half of Armenia’s population lives in Russia and is not ready to break ties with their relatives, the MP added.

According to him, it is worth taking into account that Pashinyan’s statements have no legal basis so far.

“Russia has always supported peace and prosperity in the South Caucasus. We intend to continue to fulfill our obligations so that Armenia does not end up in the same situation as Ukraine,” he concluded.