Karekin II: Armenian nation faces new existential threats and security challenges

April 24 2024, 12:17


Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II delivered a message on the occasion of the 109th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. 

“After the genocidal acts committed in Artsakh and the displacement of Armenians, a grave situation has developed in Armenia’s border areas. Nevertheless, the Armenian nation is strong with its heroic past and determination to fight evil,” he said.

The Catholicos called on to eliminate destructive manifestations contradicting national interests, as well as to find a way out of the current difficult situation through joint efforts and work towards building a victorious future.

“The duty of Armenians to the memory of the innocent victims of the Genocide is to protect the integrity of their native country, to be zealous in strengthening the independent Armenian statehood, and to preserve the traditions and heritage of their ancestors as a sacred relic,” the Catholicos added.