Konstantin Zatulin: It is clear that many Armenians cannot wrap their minds around what is happening in the country

May 31 2024, 10:56

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Konstantin Zatulin, First Deputy Chair of the Russian State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots and coordinator of the Russian-Armenian Lazarev Club, commented on the process of demarcation and delimitation between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“First of all, I want to say that officially, the process of demarcation and delimitation is a process of agreements between neighboring states, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Russia cannot interfere in this process. Here, both public figures and representatives of civil societies gathered at a meeting of the Russian-Armenian Lazarev Club to discuss this issue. Of course, we cannot help but hear the great concern that created this Tavush for the Homeland movement. It is clear that many Armenians in Armenia, citizens of Armenia, and many citizens of Russia of Armenian origin cannot wrap their minds around what is happening in the country.

I am in no way an expert in international law, I am not a lawyer, but I can say that in any case, the process of demarcation and delimitation is a consequence of agreements between states. The question is: why does the Armenian state accept these agreements? This is a question for the current government of Armenia, and the current government will have to answer this question for its people. That, in fact, is all that can be said about this,” Konstantin Zatulin concluded.