Kremlin considers Armenia’s ratification of Rome Statute an incorrect decision

October 03 2023, 16:41


Russia considers the people of Armenia fraternal, but Moscow has questions for the leadership of the republic, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters, commenting on Armenia’s ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

“Armenia is a friendly state, our partner. And, of course, we have a lot in common with the fraternal Armenian people. But at the same time we have additional questions for the current leadership of Armenia. They were handed over to the Armenian side in advance,” he said.

According to Peskov, the Kremlin considers Armenia’s ratification of the Rome Statute an incorrect decision from the point of view of bilateral relations.

“We do not think and have never thought that joining the Rome Statute is right from the point of view of our relations with Armenia. We still believe that this is a wrong decision,” he said.

When asked about the bilateral partnership between Yerevan and Moscow and the mechanisms of the CSTO, Peskov noted that Pashinyan himself decided to recognize the borders of Azerbaijan as of 1991, and this was the forerunner of the current situation around Artsakh.

According to him, the Kremlin absolutely does not agree with Prime Minister Pashinyan’s justification of the need for the adoption of the Rome Statute by the security of the country.

“Cooperation with Russia and the CSTO fully guarantees Armenia’s security,” Peskov said.

The National Assembly of Armenia ratified the Rome Statute on Tuesday. The draft ratification was adopted by 60 votes in favor, 22 against and 0 abstentions.