Lilia Amirkhanyan: The process of getting a cheap and effective purchase is faster than the other way around

September 07 2023, 23:57

Economy and Business

After the dram appreciation in 2022, it was expected that there would be a price reduction at least in terms of imported goods, but that process did not take place and consumers did not benefit, Lilia Amirkhanyan, expert of the Hayatsk analytical center, told Alpha News.

“After the dram appreciation in 2022, it was expected that there would be a price reduction at least in terms of imported goods, because in the case of the dram appreciation, the prices of imported goods have the opportunity to decrease, but that process did not take place. In other words, the consumer did not benefit from it. Amidst economic difficulties, it was an opportunity to launch the mechanisms so that, in a sense, the same consumer would benefit to a certain extent. But the process of price reduction happened much later, that is, the reaction of economic experts came later, after the same experts managed to secure enough super profits,” she said.

According to her, in such a case, every consumer has a question: why are the products not cheaper for me?

“Now, as a consumer, I have an objective question. Why is it not done under the equal conditions, when there is an opportunity to make the products cheaper for me? Instead, there is a very quick reaction and reverse process. The process of getting a cheap and more efficient purchase is faster and more flexible,” Amirkhanyan said.