Living conditions of Artsakh people in Armenia do us no honor — Gaspar Karapetyan

September 20 2024, 14:00


The main goal of the ARF Armenian National Committee is to support the restoration of the rights of the people of Artsakh in every way, Gaspar Karapetyan, the EAFJD Chairman, told Alpha News.

“One year has passed since the attack of Azerbaijan on Artsakh. The process of ethnic cleansing of the people of Artsakh, which was initiated and completed by Baku, is described as genocide by experts as well as by the former prosecutor general of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo.  Today, 120 thousand of our compatriots from Artsakh live in Armenia in conditions that do us no honor,” he said.

Karapetyan highlighted the main issues the EAFJD is working on.

“As the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD), our main goal is to contribute in every possible way to the restoration of the rights of our compatriots in Artsakh and, most importantly, the right to return under international guarantees.

We must work on the release of prisoners of war and the former military-political leadership of Artsakh as the COP29 approaches. At the moment, I am at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, and we have already started work. The work will take place in two or three stages,” Gaspar Karapetyan said.

Karapetyan also commented on the attacks on Armenia’s sovereign territory and the ongoing concessions.

“The third main issue we have is the preservation of Armenia’s territorial integrity. Unfortunately, the way the talks with Azerbaijan are going, our concessions, and Azerbaijan’s daily demands will not lead to anything good for us. I urge our government and all political organizations to strengthen and protect our interests, not the demands of Azerbaijan or Turkey. In that direction, we must be indomitable and unyielding,” he concluded.