Many people will try to pit Armenia against Russia, but no one will succeed, Head of Armenian community of Krasnodar Krai says

October 19 2023, 21:45


The head of the Armenian community of Krasnodar Krai, Kamo Hayrapetyan, assessed the political situation in Armenia in an interview with kubnews.

“When power changed in Armenia in 2018 under pressure from the street, the new leaders guaranteed people that Armenia’s relations with Russia would become even closer and stronger. The people, who were connected with Russia by centuries-old historical ties, did not need anything else.

But now five years have passed, and the Armenian people are on the verge of a national catastrophe. As a result of the treacherous policy of the authorities led by Western supervisors, the very existence of the two Armenian republics (Armenia and Artsakh) is put at risk. Endless concessions to the Azerbaijani-Turkish tandem are taking place amid the country’s damaged relations with its strategic ally, the Russian Federation.

People who were deceived five years ago are gradually coming to their senses. They realize into what abyss they are being pushed. According to the latest opinion polls, about 90% of the country’s population believes that the government should resign, and more than 80% of respondents oppose the breach in relations with Russia.

The task of every Armenian, both in Armenia and in the Diaspora, is to do everything possible to restore allied relations with Russia that have no alternative for the country. Many people will try to pit Armenia against Russia or Armenians against Russians, but no one will succeed. Our strength is in unity! It is unity that allows us to resist enemies, overcome problems, and develop,” Hayrapetyan concluded.