Maria Zakharova: The West is absolutely indifferent to the fate of the Armenian people

December 27 2023, 15:17


The West is absolutely indifferent to the fate of the Armenian people, Spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said during a press briefing on Wednesday, stressing that this year was very difficult for many countries and peoples, including Armenia.

“We see attempts by external forces to involve Yerevan in even more dangerous geopolitical games. We see that the West is absolutely indifferent to the fate of the Armenian population, the Armenia people. They use the feelings, historical memory, pain and suffering of the Armenians exclusively for their own interests,” Zakharova noted.

According to Zakharova, taking into account the allied nature of relations, Russia is ready to contribute in every possible way to peace, stability and prosperity of Armenia.

“This is crucial for us for a number of reasons. Among them are a common history, the interpenetration of peoples and cultures, regional stability, common challenges and problems that are easier to solve together,” she added.