MEP: I strongly defend the right of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh to return to their ancestral lands under international guarantees

September 19 2024, 17:22

Opinion | Politics

A year ago, Azerbaijan’s military attack forced the entire indigenous population of Nagorno-Karabakh—more than 115,000 Armenians—to leave their homes in just a few days, Loucas Fourlas, a Cypriot MEP and head of the EU-Armenia Friendship Group, told Alpha News.

This exodus was the final stage of the ethnic cleansing campaign and took place during the UN General Assembly session, when the international community once again gathered to discuss the urgent need for peaceful conflict resolution, stability, and development, condemning the use of force and violations of international norms and human rights in various regions, he said.

As a member of the European Parliament, together with many of my colleagues, I strongly defend the right of the people of Nagorno Karabakh to return to their ancestral lands under international guarantees. It is important that the European Union support us in achieving that goal. I personally visited Armenia to see the situation on the ground with my own eyes and to form my opinion on this matter, the MEP added.