Migration and Citizenship Service Director says 101,848 forcibly displaced persons have been registered

October 20 2023, 18:50


During a press conference at the humanitarian center, the head of the MIA Migration and Citizenship Service Armen Ghazaryan said that the vast majority of forcibly displaced persons from Artsakh have already been registered.

“We have data on 101,848 internally displaced persons, including 48,964 males and 52,884 females,” Ghazaryan said.

He said that forcibly displaced persons from Artsakh who have not yet been registered can apply to local self-government bodies and regional administrations and, if in Yerevan, to administrative districts and submit their data, which will be transferred to the migration service. Once processed, the data will be entered into the database.

Ghazaryan also said that the deadline for submitting data is set for October 25.