Mikael Hayrapetyan: Companies that cooperate with Turks give the enemy access to a large database

October 20 2023, 11:28


Companies that work with Turkish organizations, by sending their documents to the Turks, also reveal customer data, giving the enemy access to a large database, Mikael Hayrapetyan, the founder of Armenian Business Corner, told Alpha News, commenting on problems Armenian companies may face when cooperating with companies that work with Turkish organizations.

“American Global Group and Global US have never worked with Turks. And I would advise you, when cooperating with any company, to ask if they have worked with Turks. From an economic point of view, people can say we live in the USA and we will work with whoever we want, but from a moral point of view, it does not fit into my worldview because I am an Artsakh Armenian and I will go back to my home. But before going back home, I must think pro-Armenian and be able to support my brothers and sisters.

Companies that work with Turkish organizations, by sending their documents to Turks, also reveal their customers’ data and give Turks access to a large database to be able to send letters and influence people’s consciousness and subconsciousness,” Hayrapetyan said.

Hayrapetyan emphasized that it was precisely those pro-Turkish Armenians who brought Artsakh to this day.

“It was those pro-Turkish Armenians who brought Artsakh to this day by helping and supporting the enemy. They all must be exposed and punished. How can I work with them when they entered my house and destroyed it, when they desecrated the church and ruined the graves? My advice is: whatever you do, whatever you work for, it’s better to earn less rather than enrich Turks,” Hayrapetyan concluded.