More Armenian children join the Navasartian Games every year – Dalar Galstyan

June 28 2024, 14:10


We are very happy when we see that our Armenian children join the Navasartian Games, Dalar Galstyan, a member of the Navasartian Games Steering Committee, told Alpha News.

“Every year, the Navasarian Games start in March, and the games are held every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. They are held in different schools, and every year our sports teams increase, be it basketball, athletics, volleyball, or swimming. A large number of children also play chess. Every year, there are more of us, and we are very happy that our Armenian children join and present this program.

If anyone wants to be a part of the Navasartian Games, it is preferable that they be a part of some branch. We have branches in Los Angeles, and the Artsakh branch operates in Nevada,” Galstyan said.

“I was a member of the Homenetmen from a young age. I was a scout in Iran, then I moved to the USA, where I continued my work. I try to pass on to the children, to the new generation, what I learned through Homenetmen. It’s been about 5-6 years that I’ve been helping with the organization of the Navasartian Games, especially with scouts and the closing ceremony,” she added.