Nadana Fridrikhson: Erdogan is behind any escalation in Karabakh

September 16 2023, 12:37


In the Alpha Newsroom live, Russian journalist Nadana Fridrikhson stressed that Erdogan now wants to start saber-rattling, because he does not favor difficult circumstances inside the country.

“Unfortunately, Russia does not want to take any actions, unless some kind of casus belli happens. But I am afraid this may happen both in the domestic political confrontation and in the situation on the Armenian borders. Or there will be an escalation around Karabakh, and then Moscow will have big questions not even to Baku, but to Erdogan: ‘sorry, but what’s going on?’

According to Fridrikhson, Erdogan is behind any escalation in Karabakh. You can argue in what percentage the situation depends on Erdogan – be it 100%, 70% or 20% – but he will definitely be there. Erdogan now has a clear desire to start saber-rattling, he needs it, because he does not favor difficult circumstances inside the country.

“The Turkish opposition is again ‘building muscle mass’. It continues to criticize him. The Kemalists speak out in general, but individual representatives have also begun to criticize the Turkish army. This is a very sensitive issue and it is clear that Erdogan needs a small victorious escalation. And the problems with the gas hub hinted at Erdogan’s desire to start saber-rattling, and it concerns either Karabakh or the north of Syria. But now Moscow and Iran, our tactical ally, do not need any Syrian or Karabakh campaign launched by Erdogan. Therefore, there may be a conflict, with Erdogan being behind any escalation,” Fridrikhson concluded.