Nathalie Loiseau: Decision-makers failed in their mediation efforts on Nagorno-Karabakh

October 03 2023, 20:30


“Today’s debate is my initiative, I asked for the resolution because what is taking place in Nagorno-Karabakh is outrageous,” Chair of the European Parliament Subcommittee on Security and Defense Nathalie Loiseau said in an interview with Alpha News, referring to the debate on “The situation in Nagorno-Karabakh after Azerbaijan’s attack and the continuing threats against Armenia” in the European Parliament.

“I am not only sad, I am angry and ashamed of the international community, because the Armenian people suffered the first genocide in the 20th century and now they are suffering the first ethnic cleansing in the 21th century. We were unable to prevent it, and now we have to act. We have to sanction Aliyev’s regime for violations of ceasefire, commitment and human rights. We have to strenghthen the mission of the EU between Azerbaijan and Armenia, because now Armenia itself is in danger. We have to have an international reliable presence in Nagorno Karabakh instead of so-called Russian peacekeepers, or those people sent by the UN who were selected by Azerbaijan,” the MEP said.

She stressed that the report of the UN mission on what they saw in Nagorno-Karabakh is a scandal.
According to Loiseau, the European Parliament sent many warnings to the EU Council and the European Commission.

“We talked about risks but they did not listen to us. I hope that the Council and the Commission have learnt from their mistakes and will start listening to us.

We want to put pressure on decision-makers, because they have failed in the mediation.

It was Archbishop of South Africa Desmond Tutu who said ‘if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor’. I dont want us to side with the oppressor,” she said.