Nikol Pashinyan lists three principles for signing peace treaty with Azerbaijan

October 30 2023, 11:49


Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan listed three main principles for the normalization of relations and the signing of a peace treaty with Azerbaijan during the discussions on the 2024 draft state budget at the National Assembly.

He noted that according to the first principle, Armenia and Azerbaijan should mutually recognize each other’s territorial integrity, with Armenia’s territory being 29.800 square km and Azerbaijan’s being 86.600 square km.

“The agreement was reached at the political level, and the main idea was to refer to some source outside the influence of the parties and take this source as a basis.

These numbers are taken from the latest encyclopedias of the Soviet Union. According to them, Armenia is 29.800 square kilometers and Azerbaijan is 86.600 square kilometers. Before coming here, I looked at it again; for example, this information is recorded in the 1977 editions of the encyclopedia,” Pashinyan said.

He noted that Armenia has four neighbors, and all the main threats and opportunities that we could have are hidden in our relations with them.

“It is important to further develop friendly cooperation with Georgia and Iran and to normalize relations with Azerbaijan and Turkiye.

And I reiterate that signing a treaty on peace and normalization of relations with Azerbaijan, as well as normalization of relations with Turkiye, is in our plans. As much as we realize that this will not be easy, moving forward with this plan is in the state interests of Armenia,” Pashinyan said.