O’Brien has laid all cards on table, expert says

August 01 2024, 13:45

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian military analyst Alexey Leonkov commented on the recent statement by US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien that the US is creating conditions to help Armenia get further from Russia, as well as the need to have a land route from Central Asia to Europe through Armenia and Azerbaijan, bypassing Russia and China.

“This was indeed a frank confession. That is, it shows that the war in Nagorno-Karabakh was incited, among other things, by the United States, which used Turkey and Israel to achieve its goal, because it was Turkey and Israel that supplied Azerbaijan with all the necessary military equipment, as well as specialists who led the military operations. By the way, Erdogan’s statement that they (the Turks) entered Karabakh is also a confirmation.

O’Brien reveals, among other things, America’s interests in creating an alternative and driving a wedge between the North-South route, which is being built within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, and also influencing this project with such an alternative, saying that Central Asian countries will allegedly receive a better life if they send their goods in transit through the Caspian, through the South Caucasus.

That is, this also crosses out the agreement on the Caspian Sea, which did not allow America and the Anglo-Saxons into this region. All this, of course, was very masterfully disguised as the ‘Great Turan’ project, the unification of the Turkic peoples. So, in fact, this whole ‘Great Turan’ and all that is a project of the Anglo-Saxons, and first of all, I believe that Great Britain is behind all this,” Leonkov said.

According to the expert, the West’s main goal is to maintain its influence in the Greater Middle East.

“The main task is to ensure that the region is under their control, since they are losing control in Central Asia over countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan and are trying to hold on to this part of the Middle East while also setting the Middle East on fire,” Alexey Leonkov stressed.

The Alpha News interlocutor concludes that all talk about Russia’s betrayal in the Artsakh issue was nothing more than a cover-up operation by pseudo-patriots and the current Armenian government.

“That is, all these paid Armenian ‘patriots’ who were shouting that it was Russia to blame—it was Russia that started the war in Karabakh to give it to Azerbaijan—were, in fact, undercover. The US already thinks that it has this project in its pocket, and everything worked out, so it decided to be frank, and O’Brien, as they say, laid all the cards on the table. The ‘Zangezur corridor’ is not in the interests of Turkey or Azerbaijan; it is in the interests of the United States and its closest ally, Great Britain,” he concluded.