Pashinyan and his government have fulfilled long-standing dream of Turkey and Azerbaijan – Rafael Ordukhanyan

July 13 2024, 12:31


Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Rafael Ordukhanyan commented on the meeting of the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Washington, the current relations between Armenia and Russia, and also shared his opinion on what foreign policy Iran’s newly elected president will pursue.

According to the expert, the United States is not interested in establishing real peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“Now, after Pashinyan pursues an openly anti-Russian policy, it is natural that this place will be occupied by politicians of other countries, primarily Britain and the United States. This meeting should be considered exclusively in this context. I do not think America is interested in establishing real peace. It is interested in taking the vacant place after Russia, given Pashinyan’s policy, which is completely normal for the United States,” Ordukhanyan said.

According to the political scientist, Pashinyan and his government have realized the long-standing dream of Turkey and Azerbaijan—the loss of Armenia’s statehood.

“Pashinyan and his government have fulfilled the long-standing dream of Turkey and Azerbaijan—Armenia is completely losing its statehood. The actions that are being taken regarding foreign policy do not meet Armenia’s interests. The Armenian people were backstabbed by their leadership, which they elected. But I want to note that based on the data from the Gallup International sociological service, Pashinyan’s government does not currently receive the support of the people.
I can say that only 10% of the respondents are ready to turn the page of Artsakh, that is, to close this topic. All the others speak out for the return of Artsakh and for the absolutely independent status of Artsakh. The same goes for the Constitution; only slightly more than 3% approve of the adoption of the new Constitution,” Ordukhanyan said.

“Within the NATO summit, Emmanuel Macron met with Recep Erdogan, and the parties discussed the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict and reached a full understanding. Macron no longer uses bellicose rhetoric, based on the general situation in France. Macron is now actually a lame duck who is also leaving Armenia. Just a few months ago, there was euphoria, and the media wrote that France was with Armenia.

Now France is quite calmly negotiating with Turkey, Turkey is negotiating with America, and Azerbaijan has long agreed with Turkey, and now this political mishmash will decide Armenia’s fate. Turkey will now consolidate the success that has been achieved, and it will continue to be even worse. Karabakh is just the beginning. Pashinyan is ruining his country himself. He wants to turn the page of Artsakh to stay in power,” Ordukhanyan stressed.

In terms of Armenian-Russian relations, according to the expert, Armenia has turned from a best friend to an enemy.

“If earlier, at least to some extent, Moscow’s hand, which tried to defend Armenia’s interests in some way, was visible, now Armenia is on its own. Russia is likely to withdraw its military base from Armenia. Pashinyan now has new masters, and as far as I can tell, no one, at least in the current situation, considers Armenia an ally. Armenia is no longer a friend, Armenia is an opponent. I believe that Pashinyan’s position towards Russia is hostile. Russia is very patient, so it will not make any sudden movements, especially since a large Armenian diaspora lives there.

Armenia has been Russia’s closest ally and friend in all respects. This affected foreign trade, the cost of energy, and a wide variety of other things. In response, Russia has received such a hostile attitude from Armenia. Armenia has turned from a best friend to an enemy,” Ordukhanyan concluded.