Pashinyan is ready to abandon Armenia’s foreign policy interests, political scientist says

September 19 2023, 14:30


In an interview with Alpha News, political scientist Aslan Rubaev emphasized that Pashinyan’s statement recognizing the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan meant that he was ready to abandon Karabakh.

“Now it is difficult to determine the winner, because I do not see a complete resolution of this situation, and, unfortunately, the humanitarian situation as well. We are now on such a fine line of sliding into a major conflict. And even Erdogan’s statement, in which he is allegedly ready to hold a quadripartite meeting, is, of course, good. It is great. I am a supporter of any negotiations. The main thing is that these negotiations should be meaningful and beneficial.

But Pashinyan’s statement that he recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan means that he is ready to abandon Karabakh. And in general, he is ready to abandon Armenia’s foreign policy interests.

Today, unfortunately, I do not see Armenia’s victory in anything. Well, at some stage we managed to unblock the humanitarian catastrophe and for ordinary citizens this is certainly a victory, but is this a long-term victory for Armenia? This is a victory for Aliyev and Erdogan, which has not yet taken its final form, but they are getting closer to it. So far, unfortunately, or fortunately, it is obvious is that Erdogan proposes to hold Moscow – Ankara – Baku – Yerevan negotiations. And this is good, because some mediators are eliminated. But one of the most important mediators in this conflict, Turkiye, is still here.

The question here is very serious. Plus, there is increasing militarization along the border with Karabakh on both sides, which is also worrying. Some Western media, in particular in France, write that the Genocide of the Karabakh population is not far off. We will pray to all gods that this does not happen, of course, and have our finger on the pulse until the conflict is resolved. Some main part of the conflict has not ended, and the next, more global conflicts are not far off,” he noted.