People expressed their discontent with France’s policy by voting – Hrach Varzhapetyan

July 02 2024, 11:10


Hrach Varzhapetyan, ARF Western Europe Central Committee member, spoke about the French parliamentary election and mentioned the reasons for the victory of the far-right party in an interview with Alpha News.

“The advance of the far-right party in the French election is not a new phenomenon. Their lead was already clear in the European elections. The same continued in the French parliamentary election.

The reason for all this should be sought in three conditions. The first is the discontent with the policy pursued by France in European politics, such as attracting new elements against the expansion policy of the European Union, the financial policy, which, according to the far-right, blocks the independent economic policy of France, and the illegal invasion of foreigners and immigrants into France.

All this caused the far-right to win the majority of seats in the European Parliament during the European elections. This should also be spread in other European countries: in Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, and Austria, the leaders are the far-right,” he said.

According to him, the French people showed their discontent with France’s policy by voting.

“The party led by Marine Le Pen is leading. Next Sunday, the runoff will take place, where, probably, the far-right party will be able to secure an absolute majority in parliament and will have the right to form a government.

The New Popular Front, which is a left-wing union, is in second place. In France at the moment, the majority of the people support extreme policies, left or right. This means that the French people have expressed their discontent with France’s policy, especially the economic and foreign policy,” Hrach Varzhapetyan concluded.