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And when will we change our religion?

January 30 2024, 15:40

To many, today’s headline may seem provocative, but if we analyze the path we have gone through since 2018, it will become clear that this issue may eventually enter the agenda of the current government.

Let’s recall what we’ve been through since 2018:

• Spring 2018: a change of power with the involvement of the mass public. However, as the events after the 2020 war showed, it was impossible to change power in 2018 without “processes behind the walls of the National Assembly” and consensus within the ruling power group.

• Summer 2018: former US National Security Advisor John Bolton visited Armenia and announced the program that Nikol Pashinyan’s government was supposed to implement—to abandon historical stereotypes.

• In the following years, we saw the betrayal and loss of Artsakh (and the government has already reached the point where it calls the day of the Aliyev regime’s criminal attack against the residents of Artsakh the day of Armenia’s independence). First, the war, and then the Prague conspiracy of 2022.

• The collapse of the system of strategic partnership with Russia, which manifests itself in the sabotage of the CSTO events.

• Information war inside Armenia against its allies, Russia and Iran. At the same time, we have reached the point where experts affiliated with the government say that it is Turkiye that is holding Azerbaijan back from attacks on Armenia.

• In parallel, the process of rewriting history is underway. The Artsakh monastery of Amaras, which survived the invasion of Timur, did not survive the “Pashinyan invasion” and disappeared from the history textbook since it is not included in the 29,800 square kilometers of Armenia’s territory, according to Pashinyan.

All of the above is a process of abandoning historical stereotypes, which must have its logical conclusion. The authorities are trying to present this in the form of a fourth republic, as Nikol Pashinyan said the other day.

However, this process will lead to the loss of statehood, but as in the case of the 44-day war, Pashinyan will not tell the truth to the public until the very end. Today, the Armenian people will be convinced that the rejection of the Third Republic’s legacy, the dissolution of the Third Republic is the same element of the “era of peace” as the “non-aggression pact” proposed by Pashinyan to Azerbaijan.

Given that Azerbaijan has stated that it does not intend to leave the territories of Armenia occupied from 2020 to 2022, we can note that this pact—even if it is signed—simply legitimizes the Azerbaijani occupation. On top of that, it provides a strategic advantage in the event of a new large-scale war with Armenia. The situation is like this: Aliyev and Erdogan have definitively and irrevocably rejected the Pashinyan concept of the “era of peace”, which, in addition to posing a threat to Armenia, is also a threat to Pashinyan and his stay in power.

That is why he is trying to extend his period in power by fully fulfilling all the demands of official Baku and Ankara. He repudiates the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Armenia, which is the basis of our statehood. Holding the office is the reason he wants to dissolve the Third Republic.

It is obvious that after fulfilling these requirements, Azerbaijan and Turkiye will set new demands: to close the nuclear power plant, reduce the army personnel, abandon a number of heavy weapons in the Armenian Armed Forces, and give Azerbaijan and Turkiye full control of all transport communications to ensure that Armenia does not arm itself contrary to agreements. The fulfillment of these requirements will give Pashinyan a short period of being in power, and so on until the end—until the dissolution of Armenia…

At the same time, in order to finally destroy the backbone of the Armenian nation, Aliyev and Erdogan may demand a mass rejection of Christianity. After all that has happened, do you have doubts that the authorities can take this step?
Think about it…