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Armenian Foreign Ministry lies again: Turkey has not renounced any of its preconditions

August 02 2024, 12:00


On July 30, the special representatives of Armenia and Turkey held a meeting, with the Armenian Foreign Ministry releasing a statement afterwards, noting that the parties agreed to continue the normalization process without any preconditions. Note once again that, according to the Armenian Foreign Ministry, the process will continue without preconditions.

However, on August 1, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan confirmed that Ankara’s position remained unchanged and that the Armenian-Turkish border would not be opened without Armenian-Azerbaijani normalization and a “peace treaty” between the parties. “If the normalization process is completed, we will activate the positive scenario; that is, we may open border,” the Turkish Foreign Minister told Daily Sabah.

In other words, even after signing the ill-fated “peace treaty”, Ankara may still not open the border. However, it should be noted that Fidan’s statement proves that the Armenian Foreign Ministry simply lied to the Armenian citizens when it convinced everyone that the negotiation process with Turkey has no preconditions.

That is, no peace treaty, no open border. This means that Nikol Pashinyan’s main political project, “Crossroads of Peace”, will remain unrealized.

Speaking of the “Crossroads of Peace”, the very name of this project suggests that, ideally, all interested parties should use communications through the territory of Armenia: the United States, Turkey, Azerbaijan, China, the EU countries, and Russia. Only then can the project really be called a “crossroads”. However, what do we have in reality?

In reality, we have a situation where US official James O’Brien states that a corridor through Armenia or Azerbaijan is necessary for the countries of Central Asia to have access to global markets, bypassing Russia and China. In other words, the project called “Crossroads of Peace” is directed against Russia and China.

The Armenian Foreign Ministry, which did not comment on the statements of the US diplomat in any way, only confirmed that Pashinyan did not seek to unblock communications on the declared principles but only sought to make Armenia a “staging post” within the framework of the Turkic world and the Turkic transport corridor.

Armenia, without security guarantees, is being very cynically integrated into the Turkic world, with all that this entails.

Think about it…