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Artsakh was not enough for Macron 

September 27 2024, 12:05

Already in the spring of 2022, when Nikol Pashinyan for the first time publicly and openly declared the need to “lower the bar of expectations for the status of Artsakh,” it was obvious that this step would lead to a lowering of the bar of statehood of Armenia itself. The events that followed this statement confirmed this point of view. Official Paris, represented by its president Emmanuel Macron, also played a significant role in this process, but let’s talk about everything in order, and let’s start with informational events that once again make us remember Macron’s role in the life of the Armenian people.

The day before, French President Emmanuel Macron, during his address at the UN General Assembly in New York, touched upon the role of the international community in various world conflicts and their resolution, while mentioning Armenia.

“Nikol Pashinyan, with whom France stands shoulder to shoulder, is under pressure from Azerbaijan and its territorial claims. The international community must be there to ensure that peace negotiations succeed and that internationally recognized borders are preserved,” Macron said.

It is noteworthy that Macron said that France stands shoulder to shoulder not with Armenia, but with Nikol Pashinyan. In general, Macron expressed his attitude towards Armenia back in 2023, saying that he considers the Armenian state only as a “buffer” between Russia and Europe. The danger here is that Macron and leaders like him really know how to build “buffers and buffer zones.” Ukraine is also a “buffer” for France. It is obvious that Paris stands shoulder to shoulder with Vladimir Zelensky as well…

“Support” from Macron was not enough, and the new French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barraud also made statements. The diplomat went further than Macron and stated that Paris would not concede either the right to return the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh or the protection of their cultural and religious heritage, which are recognized by the International Court of Justice of the United Nations.

“A year ago, the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh, after 9 months of blockade of the Lachin corridor, were forced to leave their lands and homes under military pressure from Azerbaijan and the gaze of Russia. France does not forget anything—neither violations of international law and the unhindered use of force, despite the ongoing negotiation process and the existence of paths to peace, nor incommensurable human suffering,” Barraud said.

If Barraud remembers everything, then perhaps he remembers the meeting that took place on October 6, 2022 in Prague. A meeting where President Macron was one of the participants in the whole process. The meeting, which was marked by the fact that Pashinyan recognized Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan.

Brussels and Paris, being the mediators of the agreement, were supposed to ensure the protection of the rights and security of the Armenians of Artsakh (listen to former Ambassador on special assignments Edmond Marukyan, who presents the details of the Prague 2022 conspiracy), as well as recognition by Azerbaijan of Armenia’s territorial integrity. But neither of these things happened. Does Barraud forget that, too, or does he prefer not to remember it?

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the Prague agreements in the loss of Artsakh. However, the whole problem is that not only has there been no detailed study of this political act in Armenia, but there is also no assessment of the threats to Armenia’s statehood, which escalated after the Prague conspiracy.

Think about it…