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Benyamin Matevosyan: Pashinyan and the United States are preparing a new “surrender October 6th,” but for Armenia

July 17 2024, 14:23

The comprehensive surrender of Armenia did not even occur on November 9, 2020, but on October 6, 2022. As a result of the 44-day war, part of Artsakh remained under the control of the NKR Defense Army, the corridor connecting RA and NKR was preserved, state institutions continued to operate, and the issue of the status of Artsakh remained in in a suspended state. It was on October 6, 2022 in Prague that Pashinyan surrendered Artsakh by his sole decision and deprived us of everything that we managed to save even after the 44-day war. This is the reason for reasonable doubts that the war was only a pretext in order to justify the surrender of Artsakh, and then the corridor through the territory of Armenia.

On October 6, under the pretext of “mutual concessions” at the Western negotiating platform, Pashinyan surrendered Artsakh, and the justification was that allegedly Azerbaijan, for its part, also makes a concession, assumes obligations to protect the rights and security of the Armenian population of Artsakh, and also recognizes the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia in accordance with the provisions of the Alma-Ata Declaration of 1991.

The West (official Paris and Brussels) was supposed to be the guarantor of compliance with the agreements of October 6. Macron and Michel were supposed to be guarantors of the agreements that replaced the November 9 document, agreements that nullified the 2020 agreements. However, Pashinyan’s “mutual concession” led not only to the fall of Artsakh, but also to the fact that Baku, “sensing the smell of blood,” refused to recognize the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia and refuses to include a reference to the Alma-Ata Declaration in the so-called peace treaty…