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Benyamin Matevosyan: where will the “geopolitical colorblindness” of its leadership lead Armenia?

July 18 2024, 13:36

(Official Yerevan is missing one chance after another with its own hands)

In political processes, success is achieved by those power groups that are united by a certain political project and that are able to build strategic planning aimed at implementing this very project. The same principle applies in international relations. And countries that have competent leaders can also carry out effective strategic planning.

The world is changing. Many experts (both Russian and Western) openly say that after the end of the war in Ukraine, the world will be divided into different zones of influence – most likely currency ones. One of the system-forming units of the new world will be the BRICS association.

And what is happening around us?
🔹 Our neighbor Iran became a member of BRICS on January 1, 2024.
🔹 Chairman of the Azerbaijani Milli Majlis (parliament) Sahiba Gafarova says that Azerbaijan wants to become a full member of BRICS.
🔹Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, whom many consider Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s successor as Turkish Presidential Ambassador, also states that Turkey wants to join BRICS.
We see how the region is changing before our eyes, and the changes are often irreversible. And what are Armenia and its leadership doing in this situation?
Nikol Pashinyan visits Berlin, watches the Euro 2024 final and rides a bicycle through the streets of the German capital… Moreover, Pashinyan will be on a working visit to the UK on July 17-20 and will take part in the 4th Summit of the European Political Community.

Isn’t this “geopolitical colorblindness” of the Armenian leadership, when the entire region is turning in one direction, and Armenia is going in the other?…