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Festival on Armenian culture appropriation in Nakhichevan. Why did Turkey close the radio station? Alpha Newsroom 07/04/2024

July 04 2024, 21:00

Today in Alpha Newsroom:

🔹Turkey closes the radio station for using the term ‘Armenian Genocide’

🔹Pashinyan: Armenia greatly values the US role in the peace-building process in our region

🔹 Azerbaijan organizes a festival-convention on Armenian culture appropriation in Nakhichevan

🔹Food is getting cheaper, and services, including health care, are becoming more expensive – Lilia Amirkhanyan

🔹The West’s interest is to somehow advance its position in Transcaucasia, which is a part of the game against Russia – Mikhail Tilman

🔹Putin sends a message that has real diplomatic outlines for him – Artur Atayev

🔹Armenians in the modern music business: The importance of the younger generation’s participation in preserving Armenian identity – Darone Sassounian