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Overchuk’s visit. Issue of control over corridor. Children from Artsakh in Hungary. AlphaNewsroom 09/13/2024

September 13 2024, 21:00


Today in Alpha Newsroom:

🔹2 years after the fighting in the direction of several settlements of Jermuk, Syunik and Gegharkunik, Armenia has its territories occupied, the list of casualties has not yet been unveiled

🔹Russian Deputy Prime Minister’s visit to Yerevan. Pashinyan accepted Overchuk as he softens his rhetoric against Moscow, but disputes over Russia’s factor in paragraph 9

🔹International affairs expert Grigor Balasanyan will talk about the reasons for Turkish-Azerbaijani activity around BRICS live on AlphaNews

🔹Denis Denisov: So far, there are no signs that Armenian-Russian relations will be completely destroyed

🔹The real situation in Kirants. When Pashinyan claims that he was right about the Kirants issue and those who make noise are wrong, the problem lies in understanding the depth of reality

🔹Political scientist Robert Margaryan on the demand for a corridor and the US presidential election

🔹Children displaced from the occupied territory of the Republic of Artsakh will go to Hungary. Why is it risky?

🔹Putin’s warning to the West: They will be involved in a direct war if they let Ukraine strike at Russian territory with long-range missiles

🔹The main diplomatic intrigues of the Turks and Arabs in the Middle East. Turkey returned to the Arab League, but Fidan’s speech was boycotted by the Syrian delegation