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Pashinyan surrendered Artsakh for Americans to have a corridor through Syunik

June 28 2024, 12:20


The situation around Armenia continues to escalate, leading to the fact that almost all actors have begun to “play with open cards”: the Secretary of the Armenian Security Council Armen Grigoryan directly accuses Russia of “returning” Artsakh to Azerbaijan, NA Speaker Alen Simonyan compares Armenia with Ukraine, and the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien frankly stated that the United States needs a corridor through Armenia as part of its confrontation with Moscow and Beijing.

“All of those [Central Asian] countries now export to the world only through China or Russia. For them to have a path out, they need to work through Azerbaijan. One road goes through Georgia to the Black Sea, but another, potentially much larger road, would go through Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Turkey, and in that regard, we need a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia,” O’Brien said at a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Do you now understand why the Armenian authorities started saying that Armenia is “ready to complete and sign a peace agreement with Azerbaijan in one month”? “White Master” O’Brien, during his visit to Armenia, apparently “informed the Armenian authorities” that he would soon visit Azerbaijan and push for signing an agreement between the countries.

If we analyze the situation not in relation to the existing realities, we can assume that the idea of creating a transport corridor to connect Central Asia with the Mediterranean through the South Caucasus, bypassing China and Russia, did not appear in the summer of 2024 but much earlier. This corridor is part of Washington’s global confrontation with Russia and China. And it is fair to say that the Americans’ approach is as pragmatic as possible.

Now look at this situation from the point of view of Armenia and Artsakh: it turns out that Pashinyan surrendered Artsakh to Azerbaijan and recognized it as part of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity so that the Americans would have a transport corridor in the region.

In fact, from the point of view of official Washington, Artsakh should have been surrendered so that the North-South project would not have been implemented—the very project, the importance of which was recently mentioned by Russian President Vladimir Putin and the implementation of which was sabotaged in Armenia. Millions of dollars were plundered during the implementation, even before 2018… Answer this question yourself: why were there such problems with this project before 2018?

More than once, however, it had to be said that the option proposed by the Americans would eventually lead to the fact that Pashinyan’s “Crossroads of Peace” would turn into “Pashinyan’s dead end”. Given that James O’Brien is so actively lobbying for this project, the “dead end” may bear the name of both Pashinyan and O’Brien. Don’t you believe it? Why do you think Russian, Iranian, and Azerbaijani officials agreed to establish a working group on freight transportation as part of the North-South international transport corridor? Maybe in order to bypass Armenia?

Do you now understand why Artsakh was so shamefully surrendered? Do you now understand why the Armenian army in September 2023 just idly watched as Artsakh was being devastated? Do you now understand who needed the Russian peacekeepers to leave Artsakh?

I wonder if none of the official representatives of Artsakh want to comment on James O’Brien’s statements. Artsakh has fallen victim to a plan for a communication blockade of Russia and China, and it would be good if Artsakh officials reacted to this. Or are US visas more important to them?

Think about it…