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Pashinyan’s ‘games’ with European integration. Fate of peace treaty. AlphaNewsroom 07/01/2024

July 01 2024, 21:00


Today in Alpha Newsroom:

🔹Tavush for the Homeland movement led by Bagrat Srbazan is in Syunik. According to Srbazan, the authorities tried to keep Syunik residents from joining the movement

🔹Armenian and Azerbaijani border delimitation commissions hand over draft regulations to each other

🔹At the meeting with the European Commission Vice President, the Armenian FM stressed the importance of concluding a peace treaty

🔹 Iran’s presidential election enters a runoff after none of the four presidential candidates were able to get 50 percent of the vote

🔹President Macron loses to the far-right Marine Le Pen and the left-wing New Popular Front in the parliamentary election –conversation on this topic with the French- Armenian member of the ARFD Hrach Varzhapetyan

🔹EU Ambassador to Armenia successfully assessed the implementation of the patrol service. Lawyer Vahe Grigoryan objects to the EU diplomat: “There was no service”

🔹Pashinyan’s approach to Armenia’s European integration: “Is the EU ready? I don’t have an answer to this question”

🔹Russian experts Alexey Anpilogov and Dmitry Rodionov believe that Armenian society does not want to join the EU

🔹Political scientist Beniamin Matevosyan on Pashinyan’s position on Armenia’s European integration