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‘Talked about good things, but nothing good happened’: Aliyev does not know Armenian sayings 

October 16 2024, 15:19

Well, we can safely say that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev does not know Armenian sayings. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why, even after Pashinyan’s statement from the UN rostrum, “Let’s talk about good things to live well,” Aliyev said that he considered Yerevan’s proposal to sign a shortened peace agreement strange.

Aliyev said that he considers the strange proposal of the Armenian government to “sign everything that has been agreed so far and save the rest for the next stages” completely unrealistic.
Moreover, Pashinyan’s saying did not help so much that the Azerbaijani president, at a meeting with the new Belgian ambassador to Baku, Julien de Fraipont, actually offered Brussels a new deal at the expense of Armenia.

At the meeting with the diplomat, Aliyev clearly indicated that he was unhappy that the EU did not coordinate its actions in Armenia with him, and more specifically, the extension of the stay of the EU monitoring mission in the country.

However, if we go back 2 years, we will remember that in 2022, Aliyev personally agreed to the deployment of peacekeepers in the region and received Artsakh for this. Recall that it was at the Brussels platform that Pashinyan surrendered the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Today, Aliyev, in fact, publicly hints that if Brussels offers Baku something in return (as it was in 2022), then Aliyev may this time “turn a blind eye” to extending the stay of observers as well as increasing their number, not to mention involving US representatives in the work of the mission.

We can say with certainty that speaking from the UN rostrum, Nikol Pashinyan knew that quoting the saying would not bring anything good to Armenia, but it is time to get used to the fact that the interests of the ruling elites in modern states do not always coincide with the interests of countries; moreover, the “mental boundaries of the interests of the ruling elites” do not always coincide with the real borders of the countries under their control. It is possible to live “well” not only in the country in which you perform the functions of power. And modern elites, including the Armenian ones, vividly demonstrate this.

In this logic, we should analyze what is happening in the Armenian-Turkish negotiation process when one of the signatories of the “Shushi Declaration”, which reflects territorial claims against Armenia, refuses to conduct the process that will eventually lead to the signing of a peace treaty and the establishment of a just peace, and official Yerevan, instead of fundamentally revising its negotiating positions, turns to Turkey, another signatory of the above-mentioned declaration, for help.

Almost at the same time, when Aliyev rejected Pashinyan’s next proposal and the head of the Azerbaijani parliament refused to meet with his Armenian counterpart, Alen Simonyan held a meeting in Geneva with the speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Numan Kurtulmuş.

The ruling Armenian elite chose the path of creating the illusion that “Armenia was left all alone”, and there was no other way out but to turn to Turkey for help, not only diplomatically but also economically. It is more than obvious that the illusion is created that “no one but Turkey will help us.”

Of course, Pashinyan’s choice is both a civilizational, ideological, and, moreover, a pragmatic choice. He is step by step implementing what the former adviser to the first president of Armenia, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, Zhirayr Liparityan, said months earlier. In May 2023, when the first round of multi-day negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the United States took place, Liparityan gave an interview on Public television and convinced the Armenian public that Karabakh was already lost and Armenia should “hope for Turkey’s mercy” because Armenians no longer have allies and there is no other way out.

If, as a result of fulfilling all Ankara’s demands, Armenia ceases to exist, then the entity that can hold accountable those persons who created a historical tragedy with Armenia and Artsakh will cease to exist as well. If, as a result of all the processes, the remnants of Armenia are integrated into the Turkic world, then not only will these persons not be punished for what they have done to Artsakh and Armenia, but they can also get reward.

Think about it…