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Turkey once again supported Pashinyan

May 24 2024, 12:30

Do you remember how, even before the 2020 war, Nikol Pashinyan said that Russia’s influence in the region is so great that it can prevent a war?

“I think Russia has all the levers to prevent a war, and I cannot believe that Russia will refuse to use these levers,” Pashinyan said back in the summer of 2018.
Do you remember how in May 2019, Nikol Pashinyan stated that if a war breaks out in Artsakh in the near future, it will not be him or even Ilham Aliyev and Recep Tayyip Erdogan but “conspiratorial forces operating in Artsakh and Armenia” that will be responsible for it.

Do you remember how, before the ethnic cleansing in Artsakh in 2023, Nikol Pashinyan often said during government meetings that “ethnic cleansing may occur in Artsakh”?
The subsequent course of events should have proved that all of Pashinyan’s statements were part of one big informational and psychological operation. There is much evidence that toxic ideas were thrown into the social and political discourse in order to justify inaction (as in the case of the 2020 war and ethnic cleansing in 2023) or targeted sabotage (as on October 6, 2022 in Prague, when Artsakh was recognized as part of Azerbaijan).

It is no coincidence that Pashinyan openly says today, from the rostrum of the National Assembly, that Russia was engaged in the preparation of the 2020 war (he says this without specifying a CSTO member state, but the whole logic of the authorities’ policy says exactly that). It is no coincidence that the authorities accuse the Artsakh elites of the exodus of Armenians from Karabakh and the refusal to negotiate with Baku in both 2020 and 2023.

We are dealing with the purposeful creation of a political alibi, created precisely to say, for example, that ethnic cleansing was inevitable since official Stepanakert refused to negotiate with Baku, although Yerevan constantly warned it. This is all a typical informational and psychological operation.

The past experience makes us think that such informational and psychological operations may be repeated in the future. Moreover, taking into account Turkey’s outspoken interest in maintaining the current status quo in Armenia, the information coming from Turkey these days is disturbing.

The Turkish digital edition Sü, owned by the cousin of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Cengiz Er, published an article under the following headline: “Who will kill Bagrat… Will they blame the Turks?”

The article alleges that the Armenians themselves, with the help of the Diaspora, will kill Bagrat Srbazan, but will blame the special services of Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Once again, we have to state that if any political force, an individual politician or even a priest, believes that it is possible and necessary to change the political situation in Armenia, they must understand that by doing so they will challenge the United States, the EU, Great Britain, Azerbaijan and Turkey…

The aforementioned article should also be taken seriously because of the current atmosphere in world politics when Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze publicly says that during a phone conversation with one of the European commissioners, the official listed a number of measures that Western politicians can take if they override the veto on the transparency law, and listing these measures, he said: “You see what happened to Fico, and you should be very careful.”

Think about it…