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Was Artsakh an obstacle for the West? Artsakh television is back on air. Alpha Newsroom 07/02/2024

July 02 2024, 21:00

Today in Alpha Newsroom:

The Political Council of the Sacred Struggle held a closed meeting

There is an extraordinary opportunity to realize a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan – Antony Blinken

The right of return must be ensured on a reciprocal basis, including for representatives of the “community of Western Azerbaijan” – Aliyev

Artsakh television resumes its work

Aliyev shows every day how important Artsakh was for Armenia – Beniamin Matevosyan

Less money is being transferred from Russia to Armenia. What will be the consequences? – Lilia Amirkhanyan

Artsakh was an obstacle for the West to pull Armenia into its interests – Andrey Sidorchik

Blinken is trying to play the role of a “peacemaker” in the resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict – Eduard Lozansky

Freedom House report on Artsakh, the activities of the Azerbaijani lobby against Armenia and the Diaspora in the US, new developments around the presidential election