Rafael Ordukhanyan: Armenia received both war and shame

February 02 2024, 10:05

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Rafael Ordukhanyan commented on the news that NATO is encouraged by Armenia’s shift in foreign and defense policy.

According to the expert, the severance of relations with Russia is a new trend of the Armenian leadership.

“Armenia is trying to break, close the page of its relations with Russia. These close contacts with NATO are just a pretext to generally outline a new trend of the Armenian leadership: a severance of relations with Russia. No matter how the Armenian leadership describes this, Russia perceives it as a severance of strategic and allied relations. I understand perfectly well that the majority of the Armenian public is dissatisfied with Russia’s attitude during the 44-day war. But I would like to point out that Armenia and Russia have diametrically opposed approaches to analyzing this situation,” Ordukhanyan said.

According to the political scientist, the Armenian leadership still does not understand into what abyss it is leading its country.

“Amid the developments in the Middle East, Armenia will not just be a bargaining chip in this game; it will be a small bargaining chip. Russia will not allow Armenia to establish long-term, strategic relations with Russian enemies. If anyone from the Armenian leadership thinks that they are allowed to do this, they are deeply mistaken. If they don’t want Russia as an ally, they should choose someone else. But whom? Does Armenia really want to receive orders from Turkey, or does it think that, for example, France will come to fight for Armenia if something happens?!” Ordukhanyan emphasized.

When asked whether Azerbaijan will limit itself to Artsakh, the expert said that Baku is no longer limiting itself. “We see Baku’s demands for a corridor and enclaves from Armenia,” he said.

“The one who chooses between war and shame eventually receives both shame and war. And Armenia chose both shame and war. The shame is already there, but the war is ahead. If anyone thinks that they can avoid this war, they are mistaken. The aggressor’s appetites are growing every day, with every concession,” the political scientist noted.

“The West will never, under any circumstances, support Armenia. NATO perceives the situation in the South Caucasus through Turkey. All actions and all steps that will be taken in relation to Armenia will always be coordinated with Turkey, because it is their ally. Absolutely everything is forgiven to Turkey. And given the situation around Turkey and the situation in the Middle East, the stability of Armenia for them is in 26th place, if not even lower,” Ordukhanyan concluded.