Rafael Ordukhanyan: Tectonic shifts are taking place in international politics; Armenia is destined to be a victim

October 19 2023, 10:38

Opinion | Politics

In an interview with Alpha News, political expert Rafael Ordukhanyan noted that the position of the Armenian authorities is tragic for the country, and this is the path that will lead Armenia to disaster.

“It’s very difficult. Every time, I have to choose my words carefully. The Russian Foreign Ministry stated that this is a provocative statement, but I would say that this is a treasonous statement, first of all, in relation to the truth. Because everything Pashinyan said was a lie. No one betrayed him, no one abandoned him. I don’t want to elaborate on this topic; in my opinion, Putin has already explained the background of the events.

But we ourselves now see that, although Russia expressed bewilderment, no one was actually surprised that all this happened in line with the policy pursued by Pashinyan’s government. This is a policy of curtailing relations within the CSTO and the Eurasian Union, and as Pashinyan himself said, he wants to be ‘as close to the European Union as possible.’ There is not much to say here because, as far as I could understand, this tendency has support among Armenian voters. This thought terrifies me, but, apparently, this is the choice of the public and the population of Armenia.

If this is so, then I believe that this position is disastrous and tragic for Armenia, and if people do not understand this, then it seems to me that this is the path that will lead Armenia to disaster.

We are already talking, as I have already said, about the actual existence of the Republic of Armenia as a state, because Russia will definitely respond to these tendencies and assumptions that Pashinyan is now voicing. And now I see that Moscow has also already made a decision to curtail relations with Pashinyan. Who will Armenia be left with, and what will it be left with in the region? I’m scared to even think about it. Let’s see what will happen, but it seems to me that more tragic events await us.

Churchill once said, ‘The government had to choose between war and shame. They chose shame. They will get war too.’ This is the future of Pashinyan’s government. They have already chosen shame, and soon they will get another war. We all understand perfectly well that the Syunik or Zangezur corridor is a thread that connects Turkiye and the countries of Central Asia. This is not even an Azerbaijani project. I will say even more just to make clear the scale of the whole tragedy; this is not even a Turkish project anymore. The situation would have developed in our favor, but Pashinyan ruined it all,” the political scientist concluded.