Russia calls on Israel to take measures for fair solution to issue of Armenian quarter in Jerusalem

November 29 2023, 13:30


Moscow is concerned about provocations against representatives of the Christian community of Jerusalem, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said at a press briefing on Wednesday.

“We are extremely concerned about the increased provocative actions against representatives of the Christian community of Jerusalem. In particular, we pay attention to the conflict that has developed around the so-called Armenian gardens located in the Old City. They have become the subject of legal proceedings between the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem and one of the pro-settlement Israeli organizations,” she said.

“Moscow calls on the Israeli authorities to take measures to ensure a fair solution to this issue within the law,” she added.

Earlier in November, a group of Israeli extremist settlers entered the Armenian quarter, Cows’ Garden (Goveroun Bardez), where the Armenian community was having a peaceful sit-in. Settlers demanded the Armenian community leave the territory.

It should be noted that two years ago, the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop Nourhan Manougian, and the priest of the local Armenian church, Khachik Yeritsyan, made a deal with a Jewish businessman and leased the Cows’ Garden estate for 99 years. This caused serious discontent, as the agreement was illegal.

The Palestinian authorities also opposed this decision, since the Armenian quarter was given to a Jewish businessman for the construction of a hotel.