Russia excludes possibility of Armenia quitting CSTO

February 01 2024, 14:30


Armenia’s withdrawal from the CSTO is not on our agenda, Russian Plenipotentiary Representative to the CSTO Viktor Vasilyev told RIA Novosti.

The diplomat noted that the CSTO’s attention today is focused on the decisions of the session of the CSTO Collective Security Council held in November 2023, with all the countries participating in this work.

“The documents adopted during the mentioned session of the CSTO Collective Security Council, which the Armenian side did not attend, are now under consideration in Yerevan. Armenia has agreed to sign some of these documents, from which we can conclude that there is no question of Armenia’s withdrawal from the CSTO,” Vasilyev said.

The diplomat noted that opting out of the CSTO meetings is the choice of the Armenian authorities, although made under pressure.

“In many ways, this situation is both a result of pressure from Westerners and the understandable emotions of the leadership and residents of Armenia,” he noted.
Vasilyev expressed hope that the voice of reason will sooner or later prevail over emotions.