Russia is a great global power that will have influence in the region regardless of whether there is peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia — Timofei Bordachev

September 28 2024, 11:35


Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist and international relations expert Timofei Bordachev commented on the US presidential election and the possible signing of a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“Elections in big countries affect all regions, and since Russia and the United States are two global military superpowers, then, of course, domestic political changes in Russia affect the United States, and American changes affect Russia. The Russian position is that regardless of whether it is Armenia or America, elections are the business of the people of that country. Russia is always ready to work with the president or the head of state elected by the people of that country. Therefore, it is difficult to answer the question of how the US election will affect Russia.

We basically do not care who becomes the US president. We are ready to work with either candidate. Everything depends on how capable our American partners are of understanding that times are changing and they need to adapt somehow. If we evaluate the context of the current American election, they are fighting each other. Republicans and Democrats are fighting each other. They have quite irreconcilable positions, so they can accuse each other of anything, even aiding Satan.

We remember that when Biden was running, the Russian president said that we supported him. There were experts who believed that, due to his political experience, Biden was capable of resolving the conflict that currently exists between Russia and America, and which is specifically unfolding on the territory of unfortunate Ukraine. After that, at the highest level, Russia said that it is quite satisfied with Kamala Harris. Many experts and Russian politicians often say that Donald Trump and his vice presidential candidate express more sound judgments. Basically, we keep it at the level of discussions,” Timofei Bordachev emphasized.

Commenting on the Russian position regarding the peace treaty, the expert noted that it is important for Russia to achieve peace in the South Caucasus region.

“The Russian position is that we will be satisfied with any agreement that will satisfy Armenia and Azerbaijan and which Armenia and Azerbaijan will agree upon. This is the most important thing for Russia. There were cases when our American partners used various international situations not to achieve peace in the region but to win something for themselves personally. It is necessary to understand that America is far away and Russia is here, right behind the Caucasus ridge. And America, in principle, does not care what happens here, since this does not affect its own security.

But for us, the most important thing is peace, and where this peace will be signed is not of fundamental importance for Russia. What matters is that it should be peace rather than another diplomatic game in the interests of the United States. I do not think that Russia’s influence is in any way connected with the relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Russia is a great global power that will have influence in the region regardless of whether there is peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Of course, it will be better if there is peace, because then we will be able to cooperate normally economically and there will be no constant tension, and the positive tendency in the Armenian economy, which we are already observing, will continue. So, for Russia, peace comes first, and we will take care of everything else ourselves, and where we need to, we will maintain our influence,” the expert noted.