Russia MFA: CSTO members should hold military exercises with their allies

September 07 2023, 12:11


Moscow believes that the members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization should hold military exercises with their allies, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Ryabkov said in an interview with journalists, commenting on the upcoming Armenia-US joint military exercises to be held on the territory of Armenia.

“Armenia is an ally in the CSTO. We have always assumed and continue to assume that in the spirit of alliance it is necessary to adhere to the practice of military exercises with the members of this union,” he said.

Ryabkov noted that Moscow took this news with concern.

“Of course, we paid attention to it. And we drew the most serious attention of our Armenian allies to the fact that we take this with little concern,” the diplomat added.

Earlier, the Armenian Defense Ministry reported that the joint Armenia-US military exercise “Eagle Partner 2023” will be held from September 11 to 20 in Armenia.