Sahak Chalikian: Raya Nazaryan is only 39, but she managed to take up the highest party post in the country

June 21 2024, 11:50


Raya Nazaryan is only 39, but she managed to take up the highest party post in the country. ARF-D representative Sahak Chalikian told Alpha News.

“Raya Nazaryan, who is a lawyer by profession, was elected the Speaker of the 50th National Assembly of Bulgaria today. She did not collect the necessary number of votes in the first round, but in the second round she received 131 votes in favor, 66 against, and 39 abstentions. Raya Nazaryan is only 39, but she managed to take up the highest party post in the country,” Chalikian noted.

He emphasized that over the past three years, 30% of voters participated in the election.

“There have been six elections in the last three years, and this brought people to the point that only 30% of voters participated in the latest election, which took place earlier this month. Until now, Nazaryan also participated in the elections of the 38th and 39th parliaments and was also a member of the committee conducting negotiations between the parties. The second place in these elections was taken by the party called DPS, which is the party of ethnic Turks,” Chalikian concluded.

It should be noted that Raya Nazaryan is a member of the GERB-SDS parliamentary group. She was born in 1985 in Varna, has one child.