Samvel Lulukyan: Most of the people who went to the meeting with Pashinyan had nothing to do with the Armenian community

February 20 2024, 11:20

Opinion | Politics

Pashinyan tried to give various reasons to justify himself, as he has been doing during his 6-year administration, Samvel Lulukyan, the board member of the Central Council of German Armenians, told Alpha News, commenting on Nikol Pashinyan’s meeting with the local Armenian community.

“I did not get a specific answer to my questions, and I am not satisfied because Mr. Pashinyan deviated from the context of my question. In general, I presented everything that happened during his administration and all his political failures based on chronological facts. In response to my questions, Pashinyan tried to give various reasons to justify himself, as he has been doing during his 6-year administration.

The fact still remains that everything has failed. We are facing a disaster. We have lost the second Armenian state, and today Armenia’s security is at risk. Pashinyan himself states that there are risks. He is the one responsible for this,” Lulukyan said.

He asked a rhetorical question: if in 2021 Pashinyan said during the election that he would recognize Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan, how many people would vote for him?

“I was waiting for him to say: you know, I resigned two or three times, and the people elected me again. I mentioned that the fact that people elected him is another topic, but we did not give him a mandate to recognize Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan. If in 2021 he addressed the people in the election campaign with the slogan: Artsakh should be recognized as part of Azerbaijan, how many people would vote for him? Pashinyan also deviated from that question. He uses all the narratives of the Aliyev clan about self-determination and territorial integrity, which Azerbaijan has used for 30 years, and he does not even present them in the right way,” said our interlocutor.

According to Lulukyan, representatives of the Armenian community who went to the meeting with Pashinyan were not actually from the Armenian community, for example, there was a refugee from Ukraine.

“Several organizations of the German-Armenian community did not participate in the meeting with Nikol Pashinyan. They are the Central Council of German Armenians, the Diocesan headquarters, and the Bishop himself. There were people there that I didn’t know at all; there were students there, there was a refugee from Ukraine who even asked a question; that is, they were people who had nothing to do with our community at all. The head of the Armenian community of Munich, who is very famous for his pro-government views, was present as an official, but most of those who were there had nothing to do with the community,” Lulukyan said.

Our interlocutor sadly remarked that at this fateful moment, even those who were present asked only personal questions, for example, related to visas or work.

“Mostly everyone, leaving the most important questions aside, asked personal questions related to visa, citizenship, and work. Our country is on the brink of collapse, and people are not interested in the fact that we lost the second republic, and today Armenia is sacrificed on the altar. Unfortunately, people are not interested in that,” Lulukyan concluded.