Scientific conference dedicated to 850th death anniversary of Nerses the Gracious held in Moscow

December 22 2023, 18:11


A scientific conference dedicated to the 850th death anniversary of Catholicos of All Armenians Nerses the Gracious (Shnorhali) was held in the Armenian temple complex in Moscow, with the blessing of the Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of New Nakhichevan and Russia, Archbishop Yezras Nersissian.

The conference concluded a series of events dedicated to St. Nerses the Gracious. Throughout the year, Armenians living in Russia, as well as representatives of other nations interested in culture, got acquainted with the priceless heritage of the theologian.

The Diocese released calendars as well as a trilingual book of riddles for children.

The conference was attended by theologians, philologists and art historians from different cities of Russia and Armenia.

At the end of the conference, the spiritual songs of Nerses the Gracious were performed.