Sergey Melkonyan: Azerbaijan is not going to limit itself to Artsakh

September 27 2023, 09:35


Azerbaijan is not going to limit itself to Artsakh, it also needs Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Gegharkunik, Tavush and Ararat marzes, PhD in History Sergey Melkonyan said in an interview with Alpha News.

He stressed that Azerbaijan and Turkiye had already started working on it.

“When we examine the state press of Azerbaijan, we notice that those regions of Armenia are mentioned with Turkish names. The maps have already changed in the new Azerbaijani-Turkish military units deployed in the occupied Artsakh territories. According to them, at least 300 settlements must be returned. Once you look at it, you will understand that it applies to at least 70 percent of Armenia’s territories. Sure, it will not happen in one day, but Azerbaijan is committed to making progress toward this goal,” Melkonyan said.

He is sure that if Armenia continues to pursue the same policy, after half a year we will need to help our compatriots in Syunik.

“If Armenia pursues the same policy, the people who today help our compatriots displaced from Artsakh will also have to help the people of Syunik in half a year, Vayots Dzor in a year and so on,” Melkonyan said.