Situation in Lebanon is very alarming – Shahan Kandaharian

June 28 2024, 11:30


Israel is, in some sense, violating the rules of war, Azdak newspaper editor-in-chief Shahan Kandaharian told Alpha News.

“Military clashes continue in southern Lebanon. Israel is, in some sense, violating the rules of war. In addition to the southern part, they also strike bases located in the southern suburbs of Beirut. Yesterday there was an attack in this direction, and there were many casualties. The atmosphere is very worrying, even alarming, as the parties have increased the level of threats.

It all started when a general map of vulnerable points in Israeli territories was published, to which there was an aggressive response from Israel, which said that it was preparing for a large-scale attack that would cross all borders. This was followed by many statements, especially from the United States, since in those days the Israeli Defense Minister was visiting Washington, from where conflicting announcements were made. It was announced that the United States would support its strategic partner, Israel, but Iran responded that it could not remain indifferent if Israel resorts to such military actions,” Kandaharian noted.

Speaking about the Armenians living in Lebanon and the Armenian community, Kandaaryan emphasized that the Armenian community is not a target.

“There is no Armenian community in the southern part, although it is possible that some Armenians go there for work. If it turns out that Israel targets various areas of Lebanon, it is natural that the Lebanese Armenians will be in danger. The problem is that Lebanon is currently in a state of political uncertainty. There is no president in the country, and there are not even nominees. The government has resigned and is simply carrying out everyday work,” Kandaharian said.