Tense situation on Yerevan-Ashtarak highway, police detain protesters 

September 10 2024, 15:09


Residents of Kasakh village blocked the Yerevan-Ashtarak highway with their cars for about an hour in protest. They complain that the head of the Nairi community, Norayr Sargsyan, cancelled a decision, according to which the right to a building permit should be excluded on plots of land provided for village purposes.

The police and the administrative head of Kasakh village came to negotiate with the protesters. The head of the village assured them that he had already discussed the problem with the administrative head of the Nairi community and the governor of Kotayk and that the problem would be solved soon.

Later, police and protesters clashed in an argument. Police detained several residents and cleared the road. When asked why they were detained, the police answered that the protesters had restricted the rights of other citizens.